Friday, August 12, 2011

NCAA Presidential Retreat

I just left my newspaper job and moved down to Indianapolis to start a freelance career. My first job this week was working for the NCAA shooting the presidential retreat in Indianapolis. The retreat was a gathering of over 60 Division I university presidents to discuss college athletics including all the rules and regulations, and what they can all do to to streamline things. I was pretty limited as far as what I could shoot and it consisted mostly of shooting the presidents as they left the meeting and arrived to the meeting. 
Here are a selection of images from the event. 

An usher waits to welcome university presidents to the NCAA Presidential Retreat in Indianapolis. 

NCAA President Mark Emmert kicks off the meetings with Division 1 presidents. 

NCAA President Mark Emmert speaks to the media following day one of the retreat. 

NCAA Presidents great each other during the NCAA Presidential Retreat.