I spent Friday morning at the Indiana Dunes State Park with local birder Brendan Grube. Grube gets up at 5 a.m. most mornings during bird migration to count the different species and numbers of birds migrating through the park. As the birds travel north they hit Lake Michigan and often turn around and work their way along the shoreline instead of traveling over the lake.
I just got back from a short trip to God's Country aka England to take my wife Eileen for the first time. I was born there and most of my family still lives there so it was great to take a little break, hang out with them, and get a little sight seeing in along the way. I mostly spend my time documenting other peoples lives and shooting corporate types. Looking through my images from the trip reminds me it's important to also document my own life and the people around me that I really care about.
I recently photographed a Sr. (Citizen) Prom organized by the students at Franklin University for the Indianapolis Star. It was great to see the folks dance into the wee hours of the evening.